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Xi stresses efforts to deepen reforms

Ultimate goal is to meet people's need for better life, he says

President Xi Jinping talks with local residents and tourists on Wednesday afternoon during a visit to a coastal greenway in Rizhao, Shandong province, where Xi inspected the restored ecosystem of the coastline and efforts to improve people's well-being. He also visited Rizhao Port to learn about local efforts to promote the port's smart and green development and to expand opening-up. XIE HUANCHI/XINHUA

President Xi Jinping talks with local residents and tourists on Wednesday afternoon during a visit to a coastal greenway in Rizhao, Shandong province, where Xi inspected the restored ecosystem of the coastline and efforts to improve people's well-being. He also visited Rizhao Port to learn about local efforts to promote the port's smart and green development and to expand opening-up.

President Xi Jinping stressed on Thursday the importance of further deepening reform across the board as China is striving to build a modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a symposium in Jinan, Shandong province, to solicit opinions from representatives of both domestic and international businesses and academia.

Xi said that efforts must be centered on prioritizing the key tasks, upholding fundamental principles and strengthening coordination among different reform measures.

Noting that the ultimate goal of promoting reforms and development is to meet the people's aspirations for a better life, Xi said that reform measures must take into consideration the overall, fundamental and long-term interests of the people.

He urged efforts to address the pressing concerns of the people in areas such as employment, income, education, healthcare, housing, and child and elderly care, as well as their overall well-being.

The symposium was held ahead of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to be held in Beijing in July, which will primarily study issues concerning further comprehensively deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization.

Nine representatives and experts spoke at the symposium, offering opinions and suggestions on developing venture capital investment, upgrading traditional industries, improving the corporate governance of private enterprises and optimizing the business environment for foreign enterprises.

Xi told the participants that every time the CPC Central Committee makes major decisions or formulates important documents, it conducts in-depth research and widely solicits opinions from various sectors.

This is an established practice and fine tradition of the Party, he said, urging relevant authorities to seriously study the solicited opinions and suggestions.

Reform is the driving force for development, Xi said. He noted that to further deepen reform on all fronts, efforts should be focused on the overarching goals of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and modernizing China's governance system and capacity.

Xi also stressed the need to take resolute steps to remove the ideological and institutional barriers hindering the advancement of Chinese modernization, and strengthen efforts to resolve deep-seated institutional challenges and structural issues.

To improve the socialist market economy, Xi said that reform must originate from real needs and address the most urgent issues. He also called for efforts to deepen theoretical innovation and promote institutional innovation during the process of solving practical problems.

Xi said that no matter how reform is carried out, the upholding of fundamental principles, such as the overall leadership of the Party and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, must never waver.

At the same time, all necessary reforms must proceed without hesitation, he said.

Noting that coordination should be enhanced so that all reform measures are well-aligned and form synergy, Xi said that efforts must be taken to avoid focusing on one single measure to the detriment of others or letting one measure impede another.

Reform needs to focus on planning, but the implementation is more important, Xi said, calling on authorities to carry out reform with a tenacious spirit and in a steady way.

Source:China Daily / 2024-05 / 24 /Page001
Copyright 2023 International Network for Democracy Theory Studies
